Usage Notes:
- Use correct spelling and grammar when submitting edits. I verify all the edits, they won't update before I do this. I go through them every few days.
- Use existing names. For example, any lines spoken by Tav 1 should be under the character name 'Tav 1'. No need for modifiers or additional info - I'm adding a searchable 'Notes' section for this in the next update.
- If the edit function is not available for an entry, it's because the dialogue was scraped directly from subtitles and should be 100% accurate already. If you find one of these with a mistake, let me know on Nexus or Github.
- If you submit numerous edits that are wrong, have poor grammar, or if you abuse the edit function in any way, your IP will be banned from using the tool.
- If you think something is missing, try a different search function first and let me know second. Learn more about the accuracy of the database on Github.
- For an explaination of the 'Type' field and how to use it, visit Github.
Planned Updates:
- Add audio file lengths. Could be useful for localization mods, as these are required to be the same length or shorter than the vanilla files in order to play correctly in-game without cutting off.
- Add 'Notes' section. More specific info about entries can be added here such as 'durge-specific line', 'Act 1', 'triggered on such-and-such event', etc.
Special Thanks:
- Pandora (Nexus), for their list of Voice UUIDs. Invaluable.
- TealRabbit19 (Nexus), for their extraordinary labour of love in manually creating their Dialogue Files Database. Your patience astounds me.
- Larian Studios, for their support of the modding community.
10/13/24 - V1.0.1 - Fixed exception when search returned null values.
10/13/24 - V1.0 - Public release. Implemented SharedSounds and unreferenced Localization files. GUI changes.
10/10/24 - V0.2b - Implemented revision system & download functionality. Minor GUI changes.
10/06/24 - V0.1b - Initial Version. Localization only, SharedSounds not yet implemented.